Династичната линия на Крия Йога в България
Paris, 30 April, 2020Further Insights on two Verses from the Divine Melody in Message 384It was mentioned in the Notes that insights on Verses 22, Chapter VI and 14, Chapter VII in Message 384, would beshared. These insights are in anecdotal format and were shared with a disciple during a satsangh on phone. As far asShibendu is aware they have...
Paris, 29 April, 2020Concluding 20 verses of the 61 — Suggested by the respected Western Intellectual : Divine Melody (BhagwatGita) thus proceeds :Krishna spoke: Verse 13, Chapter XIILet there be no animosity-hatred in you. Offer friendship and compassion to all living beings. Give up thoughts of ‘’I’’and “mine’’. Welcome both pleasure and...
Paris, 26 April 2020Song Divine continuedIn this message, let us consider the next 20 verses for pondering over, as has been advised by theWestern scholar par excellence. Verse 28, Chapter VKrishna spoke:A Sage Yogi’s (even as a householder) senses, thoughts, insights are all restrained. He is committedto his absolute and unconditional liberation...
Paris, 24 April 2020Song Divine – Unique & Unparalleled (Bhagwat Gita)A profound and intense Intellectual of the West has suggested to ponder over, especially, on 61verses, selected from the dialogue between Divinity – (Division-free or Choice-less Awareness),symbolized by Krishna, and Divisive Consciousness – (conditioned mind), symbolized...
Paris 22 April 2020Is human mind – ‘I’, a ‘’virus’’ of the worst kind?In a recent issue of ‘Time’ magazine, the following information is available : —OCCASION DEATHCivil wars 620,000World war II 405,399World war I 116,516Vietnam war 58,220Post Sept. 11 ‘’War on terror’’operations 7,024Covid-19 estimate (with social distancing) 100,000(* Note...
Послание Париж, 7април 2020 г.
Послание Париж, 7април 2020 г. Задълбочени разсъждения върху това „Какво е любов?“ – получени от дългогодишен Криябан от Джамшедпур (Индия) и разпратени до всички с благословии и любов Гуру Шибенду Лахири Джи казва: „Любовта е живот, Любовта е Божественост“. Светият Кабирдас Джи казва: Pothi Padhi Padhi Jag Mua, Pandit Bhayo Na Koye, Dhai...