Paris 5.7. 2020, (Guru Purnima)
Advent of Divinity in human dimension.
A well-known Historian Professor Yuval Noah Harari’s two books ‘Sapiens’ and ‘Homo
Deus’ are indeed best among the best.
Humans’ potential to flower beyond the limitations of Divisive Consciousness (mind) for the
advent of Division-free Awareness (Divinity) has been brilliantly indicated. He calls this process
as Data-religion, that is, seeing, respecting and understanding ‘what is’ (data) without
the mind sneaking in to secretly seek all kinds of ‘what should be’s to keep itself amused in
deceiving itself and other human minds. This game is indeed weird. And he points out:
W = Westernised
E = ‘Educated’
I = Industrialized
R = Rich (money, money & money!)
D = ‘Democratic’ (winning the election by hook or by crook)
He also points out that a ‘successful man’ is sick with FOMO! This is, Fear of Missing out!
The profound wisdom contained in Prof. Harari’s second book ‘Homo Deus’ is also available
in the ancient text of humanity (Bhagavat Gita) in the following two verses:
1) Prakritaih Kriyamanani Gunaih Karmani Sarvashah,
Ahankara Vinudhatma Kartahamiti Mannyate;
Activated by inherent nature, gene traits act in human functions. But ego-stupidities imagine
and assume to be the doer.
2) Naanyam Gunebhyah Kartaaram,
Yadaa Drastaanu Pashyati,
Gunebhyascha Param Vetti,
Madbhaavam Sodhigachchhati.
None other than the gene program functions, when this is seen without the false dichotomy
between the observer and the observed (only purity of direct observation), One then transcends
the human-minds’ limitations, to be available to Divinity (Deus). All the excellence of
the artificial intelligence (AI) may be superseded when the Division-free Awareness (Divinity)
blossoms in a Human Being.
Jai Homo Deus