Послание 7 th Oct 2019, Satyalok,Varanasi, Lahiri Mahasaya Puja Day

Humans in Harmony with Divinity-Krishna

1) He who hates no being, friendly and compassionate, free from attachment to

possessions, free from egotism, indifferent to pain and pleasure, patient; is dear to Me.


2) The yogin who is always contented and even-minded ,who is self-controlled and

thus in Real Self and whose comprehension-perception is firm, whose attention is

firmly fixed on Me and who is devoted to Me; is dear to Me.

3) He from whom the world does not shrink, and who does not shrink from the world,

who is freed from pleasure, envy, fear and distress; is dear to Me.


4) He who is free from wants, pure, capable, having no vested interest, free from

anxiety, who has abandoned all mental undertakings and is devoted to Me; is dear to


5) He who neither rejoices nor hates, nor grieves nor desires, has renounced good and

evil, and is full of devotion; is dear to Me.

6) Alike toward enemy and friend, the same in honour and disgrace, alike in cold and

heat, pleasure and pain, freed from attachment.

7) Indifferent to blame or praise, silent, content with anything whatsoever and travels

from place to place like a pilgrim, steady minded, full of devotion, this man is dear

to Me.

8) Those who honour this immortal law described above, endowed with Trust,

devoted and Intent on Me as the Supreme; they are exceedingly dear to Me.

The above eight Teachings at the conclusion of chapter XII of Bhagawat Gita

(Melody Divine) halt movements of mind for manifestation of Divinity in Human


Jai Shri Krishna